Cash Register Integration

Accept Vipps or MobilePay in your existing POS setup

Ideal for:

  • Businesses with an existing POS system
  • Sellers with an in-store loyalty program
  • Vending machine operators
  • Businesses taking sales on the floor
Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

Let customers pay with Vipps or MobilePay and see it in your POS


stores integrated in the Nordics

11 million

active users across the Nordics


increase in customer club sign-ups

Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

Cash Register Integration

Get all payments directly integrated in your POS

How it works

  • Staff scan’s the customer’s QR code from Vipps or MobilePay
  • Staff rings up the customer in the POS
  • Customer gets a payment request in their Vipps or MobilePay app
  • Customer pays with Vipps or MobilePay
  • Staff can see the payment in the POS and portal 
Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

More flexibility for your customers, more visibility for you

No wallet? No problem!

Everyone has one of those days where they forget their wallet at home, but as long as they have their phone, they can still pay – and you can still make the sale!

Age verification

Cash Register Integration can also be used to verify the age of a customer when they purchase age-restricted goods such as alcohol and tobacco.

Customer club registration

With Cash Register Integration, you can also easily register people shopping in person in your customer club directly from your POS – skipping the long forms and manual typing.

Partner onboarding

Getting started with Cash Registration is easy. As your POS partner does most of the integration work for you, you can easily get started accepting Vipps and MobilePay payments.

All your sales in one place

Instead of having to look through both the merchant portal and your POS to get an overview of your sales, Cash Register Integration places sales directly in your POS so everything is in one place.

Connect with customers

We save your customer’s contact information so that you can communicate directly to them and easily share order updates when you trigger a payment.

Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

In-person Payments

Cash Register Integration

For a complete price overview, 
please contact you partner.


  • No start up fees or subscription costs
  • You only pay when you get paid!
  • No need for extra equipment
  • Take payments directly via your POS


Customer Club: starting from 30€ per month, based on number of active users