Vipps MobilePay number Shopping basket

Let users select the items they buy from a list

Ideal for:

  • Bake sales at schools
  • Your kiosk at the sporting event
  • Seasonal sales
Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

Sell faster when your customers self-service


increase in average basket size


faster checkouts with QR scans


better customer experience

Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

Vipps MobilePay number Shopping basket

Get an overview of what your customers are buying

How it works for your customers

  • Open your Vipps or MobilePay app
  • Search for the merchant
  • Select the quantities of the different products you’re buying
  • Pay using your Vipps or MobilePay app
  • See your receipt in your app
Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

Standardise products and prices across your business

Keep track of what is sold

When you have products and prices in the app, you can see exactly how many of each item was sold, within a day or even a month!

Nearby users can find you

When customers are nearby, your business will be one of the first to pop up on their app, making it easy for them to find you.

Set items, prices and groups

If you have high staff turnover or rely on volunteers, you can set items and prices for all your sites in the app so they no longer need to memorize changing prices.

Account directly in the app

Reduce friction in payments and let your customers find you directly from their Vipps or MobilePay app. It’s the easiest way to pay!

Say goodbye to queues

When the physical cash register is removed as a bottleneck, customers can pay from where ever they are – no more lines!

Secure payments, always

Keeping you and your customers’ payments safe are a top priority for us – and we always work hard to guarantee secure payments.

Vipps MobilePay for Business - Simplify Your Payments

In-person Payments

Vipps MobilePay number Shopping basket

Set up items and prices, and let your customers choose what they want to buy


per transaction


  • Get customers to self-service
  • Save time for your staff
  • 20% increase in basket size
  • No need for extra equipment