Vipps MobilePay for Adobe Commerce
How to get started with Vipps MobilePay on Adobe Commerce/Magento
Apply for product
Sign into our merchant portal and apply for the product you are going use on Adobe Commerce/Magento.
Go to our portalInstall the module
While we are looking into your product order you can install the module you want to use. Scroll down to get an overview of the products we offer on Adobe Commerce and click on "Install plugin" to be directed to the our modules.
Activate module
When your product order has been approved you can activate your new Adobe Commerce module by adding your API keys in Adobe Commerce. You'll find the keys in our portal under "Developer" and "Show keys" on your new sales unit.
Our official plugins on Adobe Commerce / Magento
Vipps MobilePay Payment integration
Add Vipps or MobilePay to your online payment setup. This module is also available for PWA Studio.
Vipps MobilePay Login
Login with just your phone number. No usernames or passwords needed. Ideal for websites wanting to personalize content and interact with users.
Vipps MobilePay Checkout
Our Checkout provides online merchants with a complete checkout experience that handles payment processing, shipping, and gathering user information.
Note: This app is only available for Vipps in Norway. MobilePay Checkout will be available soon.
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